window.addEventListener("load",function() {
Run the example WARNING: this game must be run from a non-file:// url as it loads a level json file.
This example uses convex polygons as structures for the player to jump across
window.addEventListener("load",function() {
Set up an instance of the Quintus engine and include
the Sprites, Scenes, Input and 2D module. The 2D module
includes the TileLayer
class as well as the 2d
var Q = window.Q = Quintus()
.include("Sprites, Scenes, Input, 2D, Anim, Touch, UI")
Maximize this game to whatever the size of the browser is
.setup({ maximize: true })
And turn on default input controls and touch input (for UI)
The very basic player sprite, this is just a normal sprite using the player sprite sheet with default controls added to it.
the init constructor is called on creation
init: function(p) {
You can call the parent's constructor with this._super(..)
this._super(p, {
sheet: "player", // Setting a sprite sheet sets sprite width and height
x: 0, // You can also set additional properties that can
y: -100 // be overridden on object creation
this.add('2d, platformerControls');
Write event handlers to respond hook into behaviors. hit.sprite is called everytime the player collides with a sprite
this.on("hit.sprite",function(collision) {
Check the collision, if it's the Tower, you win!
if(collision.obj.isA("Tower")) {
Q.stageScene("endGame",1, { label: "You Won!" });
step: function(dt) {
if(this.p.y > 200) {
Q.stageScene("endGame",1, { label: "You Fell!" });
if(this.p.vy > 600) { this.p.vy = 600; }
Q.Sprite.extend("Tower", {
init: function(p) {
this._super(p, { sheet: 'tower' });
Q.Sprite.extend("Block", {
init: function(p) {
draw: function(ctx) {
if(!this.p.points) {
ctx.fillStyle = this.p.hit ? "blue" : "red";
ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000";
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)";
for(var i=0;i<this.p.points.length;i++) {
Q.scene("level1",function(stage) {
Add in a repeater for a little parallax action
stage.insert(new Q.Repeater({ asset: "background-wall.png", speedX: 0.5, speedY: 0.5, type: 0 }));
Create the player and add them to the stage
var player = stage.insert(new Q.Player());
stage.insert(new Q.Block({ x: 50, y: -30, h: 30, w: 50 }));
stage.insert(new Q.Block({ x: 0, y: 0, h: 50, w: 150 }));
stage.insert(new Q.Block({
x: 140, y: 0, h: 50, w: 100,
points: [ [ 0, -15], [ 50, 0 ], [ 0, 15 ], [ -50, 0 ] ]
stage.insert(new Q.Block({
x: 340, y: 0, h: 100, w: 100,
points: [ [ 0, -50], [25, -40] ,[ 50, 0 ], [ 0, 50 ], [ -100, 0 ] ]
stage.insert(new Q.Block({ x: 500, y: 40, h: 50, w: 50 }));
Give the stage a moveable viewport and tell it to follow the player.
Finally add in the tower goal
stage.insert(new Q.Tower({ x: 500, y: 0 }));
To display a game over / game won popup box,
create a endGame scene that takes in a label
to control the displayed message.
Q.scene('endGame',function(stage) {
var container = stage.insert(new Q.UI.Container({
x: Q.width/2, y: Q.height/2, fill: "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)"
var button = container.insert(new Q.UI.Button({ x: 0, y: 0, fill: "#CCCCCC",
label: "Play Again" }))
var label = container.insert(new Q.UI.Text({x:10, y: -10 - button.p.h,
label: stage.options.label }));
When the button is clicked, clear all the stages and restart the game.
button.on("click",function() {
Expand the container to visibily fit it's contents (with a padding of 20 pixels);
Q.load can be called at any time to load additional assets assets that are already loaded will be skipped The callback will be triggered when everything is loaded
Q.load("sprites.png, sprites.json, background-wall.png", function() {
Or from a .json asset that defines sprite locations
Finally, call stageScene to run the game
Q.debug = true;
The are lots of things to try out here.
behind the TileLayer to create a paralax scrolling effect.});