window.addEventListener('load',function(e) {
This example creates a number of random convex shapes to exercise the SAT-based (Separating-axis-theorem) collision detection. The Shapes also rotate at different speeds and scale themselves up and down.
Most of the code isn't particularly interesting, the main piece of Quintus-specific collision stuff is tucked away at the bottom of the step method.
window.addEventListener('load',function(e) {
Set up a standard Quintus instance with only the Sprites and Scene module (for the stage support) loaded.
var Q = window.Q = Quintus().include("Sprites, Scenes")
.setup({ width: 960, height: 512 });
Sprite class for the randomly generated pulsating / rotating shape, The most of the init code isn't particularly useful - it just generates random convex shapes with anywhere from 3 to 7 points.
Q.Sprite.extend("RandomShape", {
init: function(p) {
var angle = Math.random()*2*Math.PI,
numPoints = 3 + Math.floor(Math.random()*5),
minX = 0, maxX = 0,
minY = 0, maxY = 0,
curX, curY;
p = p || {};
p.points = [];
var startAmount = 40;
for(var i = 0;i < numPoints;i++) {
curX = Math.floor(Math.cos(angle)*startAmount);
curY = Math.floor(Math.sin(angle)*startAmount);
if(curX < minX) minX = curX;
if(curX > maxX) maxX = curX;
if(curY < minY) minY = curY;
if(curY > maxY) maxY = curY;
startAmount += Math.floor(Math.random()*10);
angle += (Math.PI * 2) / (numPoints+1);
maxX += 30;
minX -= 30;
maxY += 30;
minY -= 30;
p.w = maxX - minX;
p.h = maxY - minY;
for(var i = 0;i < numPoints;i++) {
p.points[i][0] -= minX + p.w/2;
p.points[i][1] -= minY + p.h/2;
p.x = Math.random()*Q.width;
p.y = Math.random()*Q.height; = p.w/2; = p.h/2;
p.type = 1;
p.dx = 1;
p.dy = 1;
p.speed = Math.random() * 20 + 30; = Math.random() * 40 - 20;
p.scaleOffset = 0;
p.scaleSpeed = Math.random();
p.scaleAmount = 0.70 * Math.random();
step: function(dt) {
var p = this.p;
p.x += p.dx * p.speed * dt;
p.y += p.dy * p.speed * dt;
if(p.x < 0) {
p.x = 0;
p.dx = 1;
} else if(p.x > Q.width - p.w) {
p.dx = -1;
p.x = Q.width - p.w;
if(p.y < 0) {
p.y = 0;
p.dy = 1;
} else if(p.y > Q.height - p.h) {
p.dy = -1;
p.y = Q.height - p.h;
p.angle += dt *;
p.scaleOffset += dt;
p.scale = 1 + Math.sin(p.scaleOffset * p.scaleSpeed) * p.scaleAmount;
This code actually runs detection for the object and moves it away from any collisions. There's a loop in there so that the object will move away from up to 3 collisions per frame.
In order to work with collision detection, at minimum a sprite must have a width w
a height h
, a horizontal location x
and a vertical location y
. From this
the system will auto-generate a convex set of points in the shape of a square.
If you want a collision shape of a different size, you'll need to add a points
property that is an array of arrays of the form [ [ x0,y0 ], [x1, y1] ] that
creates a convex shape.
The search method simply returns the first collision it hits, whether
it be in the collision layer or with another sprite. This method is called
on the stage
stage object. You can also call the collide method which is
used primarily to trigger hit
callbacks in lieu of returning the collision.
Most of the time you won't need to worry about this directly as adding
the 2d
component to your class will handle it for you automatically.
var maxCol = 3, collided = false;
p.hit = false;
while((collided = && maxCol > 0) {
if(collided) {
p.hit = true;
this.p.x -= collided.separate[0];
this.p.y -= collided.separate[1];
Number of shapes to add to the page
var numShapes = 5;
Scene that actually adds shapes onto the stage
Q.scene("start",new Q.Scene(function(stage) {
var shapesLeft = numShapes;
while(shapesLeft-- > 0) {
stage.insert(new Q.RandomShape());
Finally call stageScene
to start the show
Render the elements Turning Q.debug and Q.debugFill on will render the sprites' collision meshes, which is all we want in this situation, otherwise nothing would get rendered
Q.debug = true;
Q.debugFill = true;
scene on multiple stages (e.g. add Q.stageScene("start",1)), notice
the shapes only collide with other shapes on their own stage});