window.addEventListener('load',function(e) {
window.addEventListener('load',function(e) {
Set up a standard Quintus instance with the Sprites, Scene, Touch and UI
var Q = window.Q = Quintus().include("Sprites, Scenes, Touch, UI")
Q.scene("start",function(stage) {
Create a container, which can be used to contain other UI elements (containers are transparent by default, but seeting a fill and/or a border give them an appearance)
var container = stage.insert(new Q.UI.Container({
fill: "gray",
border: 5,
shadow: 10,
shadowColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)",
y: 50,
x: Q.width/2
You can create text labels as well, pass a second argument to stage.insert to insert elements into containers. Elements in containers move relative to container so (0,0) is the center of the container
stage.insert(new Q.UI.Text({
label: "Here's a label\nin a container",
color: "white",
x: 0,
y: 0
Call to expand a container to fit all the elemnt in it,20);
You can create buttons, which just default to text labels and take a second init argument which is a on click callback
stage.insert(new Q.UI.Button({
label: "A Button",
y: 150,
x: Q.width/2
}, function() {
this.p.label = "Pressed";
Buttons inherit from containers and so can have fills and borders as well
stage.insert(new Q.UI.Button({
label: "Another Button",
y: 200,
x: Q.width/2,
fill: "#990000",
border: 5,
shadow: 10,
shadowColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)",
}, function() {
this.p.label = "Pressed";
stage.insert(new Q.UI.Text({
label: "Image below is a\n button using an asset",
color: "black",
align: 'center',
x: Q.width/2,
y: 280
Buttons can also have assets or sheets and will render themselves as images
stage.insert(new Q.UI.Button({
asset: 'enemy.png',
x: Q.width/2,
scale: 0.5,
y: 370
}, function() {
this.p.angle += 90;
Q.load("enemy.png", function() {
Finally call stageScene
to start the show