The Quintus Guide
The best way to get started with Quintus is to read through the guides to get an understanding of the engine and the philosophy behind it.
- Introduction
- Core Quintus Basics
- Working with Sprites
- Building Scenes and setting the Stage
- Input in Quintus
- Adding in animation
- Getting Noisy: playing sound
- The 2D Module
API Docs
API Docs- Quintus API Documentation is still a work in progress, initial version with documentation on the core Quintus, Quintus.Sprites, Quintus.Scenes and Quintus.Input modules (Pleaes read the Guide first)
Examples are often the best way to learn a new system - the ones below are listed in order of increasing complexity, with the final Breakout game being a full multi-level game. Click on the example and then the annotated source to see an explanation of the example.
- Ball (Annotated Source) - A simple single-sprite
- Simple Sprite ( Annotated Source) - A moving, scalable and rotatable sprite, use arrow keys and z,x to control
- Touch & Drag (Annotated Source) - Touch example with multiple convex shapes. Supports multi-touch on mobile.
- Collision (Annotated Source) - Demonstrates collision detection for rotating, scaling convex shapes
- UI (Annotated Source) - A few controls using the UI module
- Audio - HTML5 and Web Audio example
- Runner - simple runner example
- Platformer (Annotated Source) - The simple platformer example
- Breakout (from Breakouts) - mouse or touch controlled game of brekout
- Disasteroids
- More Full-featured Platformer Example(Animation, TMX, Ducking, Changing Tiles, Ladder)